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Floriana Falcinelli
Vol. 3 nº3 (Diciembre 2014). "María Montessori: una lectura desde y para el s. XXI", Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 49-57
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Dec 30, 2014
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In this paper the aspects characterizing Montessori teacher’s profile are presented as they are defined in the Maria Montessori’s writings and how it is built their formation in connection to it. The Montessori teacher teaches little and observes much; she has to arrange a suitable environment to direct the activities of the children, she must approach them with humility and patience, aware that they are the protagonists of their own growth. This attitude derives not so much from a theoretical education culture, but from observation and supervision as well as from the expert teachers who help the future teacher to support a long process of inner reflection and spiritual elevation.


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