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Mª Montserrat Castro Rodríguez
Concepción Sánchez-Blanco
Volumen 4, nº1 (Abril 2015). Materiales y Recursos Didácticos para la Educación Infantil, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 87-104
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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This article deals with a reflection on the dilemmas of teachers when they have to carry out a selection, production, adaptation and use of materials and educational resources, for the benefit of the individual and collective learning of all students in the pre-school classroom, answering in this way to the basic principles of an inclusive school where the students live experience of a rich, divergent and shared learning, generator of educational experiences that provide a critical knowledge of themselves and the world that surrounds them, in a context that look for equity and justice, as key elements to promote the full development of the potentialities in the subjects.Attention to diversity from the paradigm of inclusive education gives to resources and materials used in the preschool classroom a role from a plural perspective. Educational resources exercise a decisive role of mediators in the teaching-learning process, facilitating the reflective construction of knowledge on the part of students and also for the teacher. In order to pay attention to the diversity of needs, potentials, interests of the students of any condition, it is essential that teachers involve themselves through their practice in the commitment for representing the development of boys and girls from the framework of equal rights.


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