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Joaquim José Jacinto Escola
Volumen 4, nº1 (Abril 2015). Materiales y Recursos Didácticos para la Educación Infantil, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 135-159
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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We live in a world increasingly marked by the presence of Information and Communication Technology, noting that they are gradually invalidating all sectors and domains of human life, forming new ways of being and thinking, transforming practices, altering paradigms, revolutioning the way of communication and learning. The Green Paper of the Society of Information and Communication in Portugal explained the broad and deep metamorphosis that the Portuguese society would have to go through to become a society of information, reserving an important space to the transformation within the school. Early childhood education has always been associated with the use of didactic resources that could help the educators in their practice, particularly manipulative resources, among others, and they continue playing an important role in children’s education. Technological devices, particularly Web 2.0, are new challenges for the educators in their practices.This article, entitled “Didactic tools and resources/ ICT in early childhood education. Approach from the Portuguese reality” tries to show the importance of including both, more traditional didactic resources and ICT in early childhood education, in all areas established in the curriculum guidelines for early childhood education, exploring the idea that early contact that children have with computers, tablets, Playstation, Nintendo, or even mobile phones of parents, who also have numerous applications and games, may be a chance for proper computer and audiovisual literacy of children and a valuable aid in their motivation and teaching.


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