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Isabel M. Solano Fernández
Mª del Mar Sánchez Vera
Salomé Recio Caride
Volumen 4, nº2 (Julio 2015). Familia y escuela infantil., Experiencias, pages 181-201
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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The paper reflects on the educational possibilities of video in childhood education, putting it in connection with the processes of media and digital literacy that can be performed in this educational level. Reflection on these aspects is made from a collaborative educational experience that took place among 3 years children of a public school of the city of Murcia with students of Degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Murcia. We propose a project of relationship school-university that contributes on one hand, to achieve the skills of university students, responsible for the design of educational resources (video) for working media literacy with child, and on the other the achievement of the objectives of Early Childhood Education in promoting the processes of media, visual and digital literacy among students.
We have explained the development of the teaching at both levels (children and university), we show the videos designed and reflect on their educational potential in early child education and the advantages of its design and development by university students as part of the Service-Learning methodology.


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