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María Victoria Peralta Espinosa
Vol. 4, nº3 (Diciembre 2015). Educación Infantil y Multiculturalidad, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 23-42
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Jan 3, 2016
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This article addresses the issue of multiculturalism as a fundamental component of quality in early childhood education. That is why we need new curricula that involve firm steps towards multiculturalism in order to improve the quality of early childhood education practices. It isn’t a simple task, but something feasible and urgent, due to the alarming trend toward homogenization or “neutrality” that has characterized Latin American models of curricula. Such homogenizing policies and practices are not only eliminating the knowledge of our cultural heritage and the building of the cultural identity of the children, but simultaneously, they limit the access to valuable aspects of other cultures. This paper addresses the concept of multiculturalism applied to the kindergarten and the principles on which to ground the intercultural educational practices. Interesting regional experiences involving both national curricula and local educational proposals are also included.


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