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Mercedes Cuevas López
Vol. 4, nº3 (Diciembre 2015). Educación Infantil y Multiculturalidad, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 83-98
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Jan 3, 2016
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Multicultural education in our context, the City of Ceuta, is natural. If we understand the multuculturality as coexistence and harmony among different cultures and we extrapolate it to our schools, we can confirm that these are a real laboratory experience to all kinds of innovations that lead to improve the educational quality. On the other hand, sadly, multiculturalism in most of our schools comes from a majority of Moroccan students whose families suffer from serious socio-economic and cultural needs. In this context, the kindergarten classrooms in public schools are a first stage of socialization for children, the teachers of this educative level face up a major challenge that leads often to fatigue and exhaustion: the rudimentary knowledge of the Spanish language, the values of democratic societies, coeducation, etc. are curricular elements that must be mastered to an acceptable adaptation in schools. But we have to be proud of the work done by these teacher. The “Best Practices” in Early Childhood Education are gradually spreading in our schools. This article presents the experience of a school that can serve as an example of good practice and, within it, the work done in a kindergarten classroom for children and the modelic performance of the teacher.


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