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Dirce Hechler Herbertz
Maria Inês Côrte Vitória
Vol. 4, nº3 (Diciembre 2015). Educación Infantil y Multiculturalidad, Miscelánea, pages 137-157
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Jan 3, 2016
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This study is part of a survey conducted during the Doctorate in Education at the stage of the period PDSE / CAPES, Spain. The aim is to reflect on the reality of Initial Teacher Training of Early Childhood Education in countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Spain and Italy, checking approaches and / or distances which are in both realities. It is a quantitative / qualitative research because a survey in the two approaches appears as a more complete analysis, showing the inferences obtained from the numeric data. The study is based on the data collection and on curricula document analysis of training courses in each country. It was decided to make a cut that took into account regional and geographical peculiarities selecting a university in each country, using as a criterion of choice, to be public institution. As a result it can be said that the initial training of teachers in the four countries have points in common, such as areas of common or similar knowledge. Specially, both in Brazil and Spain the professional profile is beyond teaching. So divergent, Cuba and Italy fashion professional for teaching. In Latin America the courses have the same length and are organized by workload. Whereas in Europe, by the very system of the European Area of Higher Education courses are organized by credits with different duration and structure.


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