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  • Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza
  • María Ainoa Zabalza Cerdeiriña
Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza
María Ainoa Zabalza Cerdeiriña
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013), Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 47-70
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Feb 20, 2018
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The OECD document, Starting Strong III (2012), has clearly indicated that pre-primary education is a source of benefits for parents, children and society, but the same document clarifies that those benefits are conditioned by the quality of the services offered. Another OECD document (Teachers Matter. Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers, 2005) argued that the quality of pre-school education rely on the quality of their teachers. Based on both evidences, the authors try to analyze several factors that determine a good teacher training for this educational period. Pre-school teachers education is related to four training institutions internal factors: (1) the idea of early childhood and early childhooh school that supports the training project, (2) the uniqueness of the university as a training context, (3) the students who enter the career and (4) the culture of the place to which each of them belongs. Beyond the educational institutions, other four factors influence teacher training too: (5) the predominant tradition in the training of professionals to pre-primary education, (6) the curricular policies that frame the learning processes, (7) the benchmarking as a process to establish the quality of our training proposal and (8) the childhood policies that establish the regulatory framework in which pre-primary education should be developed.


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