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Paola Dal Toso
Vol. 5, nº1 (Abril 2016). Infancia y naturaleza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 49-54
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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Although the Pope Francis’encyclical Laudato si’ is addressed to a generic public, both to the community of believers and to unbelievers as well, it has also an important educational purpose, in relation to the principles expressed, and to the many practices and behaviors that can be adopted deciding to follow in practice its suggestions.
This paper analyzes the great ethical lesson that Pope Francis offers to all humanity on the one hand, and it tries to identify more properly some educational positions on the other. The proposal of the author offers some possible educational commitment lines that can be translated both in a daily educational engagement, and in ideas for educational actions and specific teaching activities.


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