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  • Irene Díaz Rojas
  • Verónica López Fernández
Irene Díaz Rojas
Verónica López Fernández
Vol. 5, nº1 (Abril 2016). Infancia y naturaleza, Miscelánea, pages 65-73
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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The objective of this research is to identify whether there is a correlation between a measure of executive function and the level of creativity in a sample of children aged 3 to 6 years. To measure creativity questionnaire (Tuttle, 1980) and the task of “Simon Says” to assess executive function. To analyze the correlation it was used the parametric statistics, namely the Pearson correlation statistic.
The results show that there is a significant and positive relationship, very strong in statistical terms, between the two variables (.880, p <.001). These results could suggest that creativity is associated with an increased development of the executive functions, and their development could be stimulated through creative activities.


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