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Juan Manuel Enriquez Palomares
Lourdes Aragón Núñez
Vol. 5, nº1 (Abril 2016). Infancia y naturaleza, Miscelánea, pages 74-84
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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In the current society we are living, known as the “knowledge society”, to be introduced in the dialogue, reflexion and decision, it is a necessary requirement for children from their early stages of education. These capacities will be useful to be citizens afterwards in different social requirements in comparison with 50 or 60 years before. The schools must be aligned to this emerging changes and necessities. In this sense they must to design and start up new statements and theories for example the “multiple intelligences” and based on a socio-constructivist approach that uses the methodology of work by project. Signposting the school is a didactic initiative for 5 years old kids, having as starting point the analysis and knowledge of the traffic signs of the immediate environment and finishing with a process of reflection that will provide the possibility of designing own traffic signs, with the aim of making their school a place more comfortable, pleasant and safe, and also having an active role in the organisation and functionality of the immediate environment.


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