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Graciela María Fandiño Cubillos
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Sandra Marcela Durán Chiappe
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Jenny Maritza Pulido González
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Erika Liliana Cruz Velásquez
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Vol. 6 No. 1-2 (2017): Evaluación de contextos en educación infantil, Miscelánea, pages 101-111
Submitted: Mar 12, 2018 Published: Mar 14, 2018
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This article is a preview of the following research: Beliefs on Early Child Education in Four District Educational Institutions, carried out during 2015, with the purpose to learn about the pedagogic emphasis used for the admissions of children over 3 years old into public educational institutions, starting from Teachers’ beliefs. The theoretical constructions, included within the dialog with the research’s findings, were performed around two fields of knowledge: Child Education & Teachers’ beliefs. The study’s methodological option had a naturalist-descriptive approach, which from the study of allowed to know, to get to know the teachers’ thoughts on Early Child Education, starting from their beliefs about the purposes of Early Child Education; the work contents developed within this particular cycle, the main ways of pedagogic work and the aspects regarded as obstacles on the development of Early Child Education, within the four institutions studied.


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