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Nuno Gonçalves
Centro Social Paroquial de Chaves
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Investigadores e Investigadoras en Educación Infantil, Experiencias, pages 126-139
Submitted: Oct 25, 2021 Published: May 26, 2022
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The production of science almost always depends on curious people involved, who seek answers. As children, of course, a unique ability to "go undiscovered". Scientific training and experimentation from the earliest years of life is consensually for specialists as a means of stimulating interest in everything around as children and promoting knowledge. The pedagogical experience that reports on the roots of plants and trees that led the group, children, and the discoveries of a group of children between 2 and 3 years of age, in an investigative path about how roots of plants and trees that led the group, children and adults, by observation, analysis and reflection on the data that emerged from the learning experience. Throughout the process, as the children probed the surrounding spaces, observed the contours of the different roots and broadened the knowledge about shapes, cores, sizes, textures, functionalities, transiting between different languages. It became evident that the costume for co-built, supported as children in the construction of sabers, in a playful and interested way, showing that the sciences experience can and should be worked from an early age.


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