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Adrián Ponz-Miranda
Universidad de Zaragoza
Beatriz Carrasquer-Álvarez
Universidad de Zaragoza
Rafael Royo-Torres
Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Investigadores e Investigadoras en Educación Infantil, Experiencias, pages 150-165
Submitted: Sep 27, 2021 Published: May 26, 2022
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This paper shows an experience of mutual training between early years/infant teachers and university teachers, in science education, through the "Hipatia" Programme of the Government of Aragon (Spain). Three sessions were organised for the exchange of didactic experiences between the two groups of teachers, thus getting to know the training work carried out in their centres. The early years/infant teachers appreciated the university training work linked to the reality of the classrooms and the university teachers recognised the difficulties and needs of the school for the teaching of science. An enquiry activity centred on flotation was designed and implemented, at the request of these early years/infant teachers, in order to learn about this teaching methodology in a practical way. The intervention was carried out with 4-year-old students (68 in total, distributed in 4 classrooms), based solely on the weight and the water's upthrust force. The previous ideas expressed by the students were centred on a single physical property and improved thanks to the intervention. These results matched these obtained in previous studies that were carried out teaching this concept.


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