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José Pablo Franco López
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Lois Ferradás Blanco
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Didáctica, currículo y derechos de la infancia : número homenaje a Miguel Ángel Zabalza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 29-41
Submitted: Apr 13, 2020 Published: Sep 24, 2020
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In the year of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Montessori, we put her figure in front of her contemporary Caroline Pratt, less well known in Eu­ropean pedagogical environments, but also imbued with a passion for education at the service of an acti­ve, competent and autonomous childhood. After suc­cinctly reviewing the parallel biographies of both, the differences between the pedagogies of each one are pointed out, especially with regard to the materials and the construction play. At the same time, there is a wide coincidence in the ideals for which both work all their lives and ends by formulating a proposal of complementarity between the two, suggesting the convenience of enriching Montessori pedagogy with the incorporation of the solid wood blocks designed by Caroline Pratt and the construction play as an re­gular resource.


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