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María Antonia Riera Jaume
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Didáctica, currículo y derechos de la infancia : número homenaje a Miguel Ángel Zabalza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 91-96
Submitted: Mar 10, 2020 Published: Sep 24, 2020
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This article provides some reflections on the temporal organization of learning environments. Some questions are raised for reflection: how can the diversity of spaces and proposals that we offer to children affect the development and learning? How much do the environments we create invite to transit or stay and deepen? Talking about the temporality of learning environments leads us to reflect on the educational objectives, the pace of learning and the well-beingof children. The work of the Korean-born philosopher
Byung Chul Han (2018), “The aroma of time: A philosophical essay on the art of delaying”, has served as an
inspiration to analyze some aspects that are exposed.


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