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Lucía Casal de la Fuente
Department of Pedagogy and DidacticsUniversity of Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Didáctica, currículo y derechos de la infancia : número homenaje a Miguel Ángel Zabalza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 119-129
Submitted: Feb 9, 2020 Published: Sep 24, 2020
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This article aims to open a research line that brings researchers in voice and singing closer to initiatives that take place in different parts of the world whose purpose is the democratisation of vocal and singing education from childhood. For this, it is necessary to conduct multiple case studies that reveal the peculiarities of success initiatives that could inspire many others, with a view to continue generating opportunities for the access to vocal and singing education. Therefore, the aim of this article is to know the
origin and the characteristics of the singing British program World Voice, through the technique document
review. Once the information was gathered and categorised, four categories were established: origin and funding of the program; definition, training and resources that offers; inner working; and the key didactic
resource: the World Voice Songbook. We conclude that the characteristics that make World Voice an interesting program are the practical ease the program entails for those who adopt its strategies; the
contextualization of the processes and the resources; the quality of the training; and the continuity the program offers.


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