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María Mercedes Civarolo Arpón
Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Documentar para hacer visible la Cultura de la Infancia, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 14-25
Submitted: Jun 9, 2022 Accepted: Apr 20, 2023 Published: Jan 9, 2024
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The article introduces, in a simple way, the basic ideas about pedagogical documentation in early childhood education. Through the use of an oxymoron -an old novelty- it rescues the origin and justifies the validity of a practice that, although it is currently recognized from the pedagogical ideas of Loris Malaguzzi and its realization in the Reggio Emilia nursery schools, transcends the field of early childhood education to other educational levels due to the possibilities it has as a tool for the understanding of teaching and learning situations. The article is organized on the basis of questions that act as subtitles and serve the reader as compasses of meaning to build a first understanding of what the documentary process is: What is pedagogical documentation and what are its origins?; where to start documenting and why to document?; how to approach the reality to be documented?; what to document?; who is the documenter?; what stance to take when documenting?; how to document?; what do we understand by photographic documentation?; what do we understand by photographic documentation?

Based on the example of a photographic documentation mural, we share some didactic guidelines that show the steps to follow in order to make children's culture visible, while taking into account the complexity of the photographic narrative process at school.

Pedagogical documentation is an instrument for the professionalization of teachers and, at the same time, for the improvement of educational practice. It allows us to broaden our understanding of the languages of childhood in a respectful way and can be used to create a culture and a "documentary habitat" in children's schools.


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