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Donatella Savio
Volumen 4, nº1 (Abril 2015). Materiales y Recursos Didácticos para la Educación Infantil, Experiencias, pages 297-315
Submitted: Feb 21, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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Education for citizenship is a fundamental objective in the “National Indications for Curriculum” (a 2012 Italian Ministerial Document), in accordance with the provisions in the “Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council” (2006/962/CE). The contribution aims to delve into the matter with particular mention to kindergartens. A special reference is made to Dewey’s thought in order to examine both the aspects which characterize the exercise of democratic citizenship and the educative actions necessary to promote it. A kindergarten with an educative method which gives importance to play and democratic dialogue among children will therefore be presented. Starting from the indications traced out by Dewey, various moments of discussions between the children and teachers in this school will be analyzed in order to clarify on which educative strategies an early education for democratic citizenship is sustained.


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