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Cláudia Inês Horn
Jacqueline Silva da Silva
Luciane Abreu
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013), Miscelánea, pages 121-131
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Feb 20, 2018
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This article aims at reviewing some theoretical contexts that regard children as social beings who produce and transform their culture. In order to understand the adults' world, children need to take hold of cultural references which they interpret using elements they can make sense of. The Studies on Childhood put forward that children should participate in every process through their socio-historial and cultural experiences. Besides that, schooling and playfulness are important aspects for children to take hold of their culture and express and share their knowledge. Another important aspect is the reflection on pedagogical action, which is always calling for new ways of thinking about childhood and children. This action should be considered from the children's point of view, since they are the protagonists, the producers and the transformers of their actions


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