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Stefano Moriggi
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): Malaguzzi: a hundred years of pedagogical light, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 41-47
Submitted: Feb 18, 2021 Published: Apr 15, 2021
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This article aims to outline some of the most significant correlations between Loris Malaguzzi's methodology of pedagogical research and the content of his educational proposal. It is precisely an analysis of this type, in fact, which will allow us to highlight, from several points of view, the intimate and indissoluble relationship in the economy of thought and in the work of the Italian educator between epistemological reflection and pedagogical practice. In light of these acquisitions, it will be easier to illustrate from a unusual perspective the new role and the unprecedented responsibility of the teacher in knowing (and having to know) how to design the necessary conditions to trigger, accompany and document significant cognitive and relational experiences at the same time. Therefore, it will be a comparison with the constructivist tradition - and, more particularly, with the important cultural heritage of John Dewey - which will offer the opportunity to underline, also in the light of the most recent neuroscientific evidence, some methodological peculiarities of the Reggio Approach which, on closer inspection, separate him from the typical naivety of a certain "pedagogy of discovery”.


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