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Donatella Savio
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013), Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 69-86
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Feb 20, 2018
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In the framework of the “fourth generation evaluation”, the paper presents a model of formative evaluation as “promotion from within”. The model shows the involvement of groups of operators of the same educational context and it is characterized by a trainer’s communicative style aiming at fostering the following features in the group: a balance of power and knowledge; reflective thinking on educational practice and redesign of the educational context; processes of “mutual maieutics” and processes of revealing implicit pedagogies; individual expression of ideas on education and  co-constructed knowledge of the evaluated context. The expected formative outcomes in participants are basically two: an  increased awareness of individuals’ and group’s educational identity, and an acquisition of reflective skills as a typical feature of educational professionalism. Theoretical references together with the methodology of the model are discussed. Finally, the first results of ongoing research into the evaluation of its effectiveness are presented.


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