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Maria Antonia Riera Jaume
Maria Ferrer Ribot
Catalina Ribas Mas
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2014): Tiempos y Espacios en la Educación Infantil, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 19-39
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Feb 21, 2018
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In the last 10 years experiences in early childhood education have been generated in our context, especially those which initially focused on a new organization and distribution of space in the school. This presupposes methodological innovation and important educational changes. Nowadays there are many schools that incorporate different working environments in their projects. This space-temporal-relational proposal implies in many cases a rethinking of the educational project so that the school becomes a more open, flexible and dynamic system. Certainly, the work environment in each educational center has a particular organization and possibly significant differences. Throughout this article some of the meanings and history implicit in this methodology will be explored in order to help clarify, contextualize and reflect on this educational practice.


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