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  • Vital Didonet
Vital Didonet
Vol 2, Nº 3 (diciembre 2013), Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 111-123
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Feb 20, 2018
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Early childhood education in our country follows two main lines of action that interconect. One is based on educational principles and practical guidance that we inherited from the european pioneers of nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The other one was our own creation in the last hundred years, and more markedly in the last fifty years, based on a social process of broad participation of professionals, teachers, experts and children themselves. The author describes the participation of the second line of action on the built of early childhood pedagogy in Brazil. According to the author, it is possible to assume that Brasil has a particular pedagogy for children as social subjects and subjets of rights, living their childhood in different cultural, ethnic, social, geographic and environmental contexts throughout the country. This pedagogy responds to the challenge of looking at children on their own living and learning contexts, establishing with them a Pedagogical Proposal that builds meanings to their childhood. As Paulo Freire said, to educate is to give meaning to everything we do, every time.


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