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Maria Ontavilla Santiago
Ceip Menéndez Pelayo
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2020): Malaguzzi: a hundred years of pedagogical light, Experiencias, pages 205-227
Submitted: Oct 30, 2020 Published: Apr 16, 2021
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In this article we present two experiences of working with young children at CEIP Menéndez Pelayo e Torrelavega, Spain. The first one is based on the story “Monster of colors” that we have used to identify, recognize and regulate emotions: joy, sadness, anger-anger, fear, calm and love. We have developed different materials and proposals such as the story of the "Emociometer and Inspector Drilo" that makes us detectives of EMOTIONS. In addition, we are going to experiment with our 5 senses to identify emotions. The second of the experiences is based on the pedagogy of participation and seeks to put the voice of children at the center of educational activity, taking as a horizon the construction of democratic classrooms and schools. We understand the pedagogy of participation as one that promotes intercultural dialogue between groups and individuals involved in pedagogical processes; one that supports collaborative learning in pursuit of educational success for all. The roles of students and teachers in the pedagogy of participation are based on a vision of the person as someone who has the ability and the pleasure to collaborate. For this reason, children and adults develop activities and projects through work and joint reflection, they affirm themselves as co-authors of learning. In short, we have understood the pedagogy of participation as learning in company


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